


Let’s Implement Apps into Language Teaching

In this session, language teachers will try out few apps that can be used in their language lessons. Some of the apps are more teacher oriented and some can be used by the students to produce knowlwedge. The apps can replace vocabulary tests or paper based assessments and...

Creating amazing presentations with Keynote

Keynote is maybe the best presentation app ever created for the iPad. At least it is a very intuitive and powerful app that can be used for presentations of any kind as well as a tool for easy and visual content creation in any educational setting and level....

Who R V? – Getting to know each other using presentation Apps

In this interactive group activity you will learn an app and get to know each other at the same time. You will form groups, find a name and take pictures to then make your first steps with a presentation app keynote or google slides by creating a group presentation....

Looking back and thinking ahead – video feedback with the tablet

In this hands-on module course participants become film makers as well as actors. After havin learned the basics of video editing with the tablet they form groups of 4-6 people and interview each other about the course week and what lies ahead. They cover the following questions: What...

Paperless Maths Lesson

In this course module participants learn how to run maths lessons without a blackboard or paper - for teachers as well as students....

Amazing race – Learn History, Documentation & Orienteering in Graz

In this workshop participants will explore the city as well as have little tasks to document their journey. The journey is guided by the app actionbound. The idea is to use an app for orientation and to learn more about the history of the city the learners are...