Helsinki ist die Stadt in der der Kurs stattfindet.


Society in the 21st century is confronted with new challenges in all areas of life. Terms like “digital transformation” and “VUCA world” are characteristics of our time. We do not know today what skills our children will need in 10 to 15 years for possible future jobs. But we are beginning to realise that our schools need to change: Our ideas about education and the way we teach and learn are changing. Mobile devices such as iPads and new pedagogical approaches allow for more personalised learning and greater motivation that meets the social and academic needs of each learner. This course explores how Finland is meeting these challenges and changing its education system to create a school for tomorrow that prepares today’s youth for the future.

Erasmus+ funding can be applied for this course. This covers the majority of the course fees as well as travel and meal costs.


  • How Finland is changing their education system for the 21st Century
  • School visits: Gain inspiring ideas and approaches from Finnish schools
  • Personalised learning with digital media
  • New technologies, apps and online tools to activate your learners
  • Content creation apps that will get your learners productive
  • Tools to create interactive quizzes and assessments
  • Paperless classroom solutions that can make your life easier and your teaching more engaging
  • AR-apps that will blow your mind


  • Bring your own device, for example a notebook, an iPad or an Android tablet. You can also lend an iPad from us.
  • An open mind to learn and have some fun!
  • The will to learn from each other.


  • Click on Register and enter your details, we will be in touch with you shortly.
  • By registering for this course, you agree to our terms and conditions. You can find these left  at the end of this page.
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Course Overview


LocationVantaa/Helsinki (Finland)

Start date2024-08-25

End date2024-08-30


Places available25

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