To Pisa or Not to Pisa – The Education World / Europe – What Can We Learn from Each Other

AUTHORPetri Ilmonon


Teaching resources

  • WIFI
  • Tablets
  • Mirroring Device
  • Projector
  • Tablet Chargers


Operating SystemNot Applicable


Competency areasBasic Education

Duration90 mins


Let’s talk about Education systems and our experiences in Teaching. Let’s think what is good about our own school systems and learn more about the Pisa studies, especially about Finland’s system as one of the best in the history of the Pisa studies. What makes Finland different? What is the future of education & ICT in Finland & Europe? How has the pedagogical approach changed and should still change in the future? What can you implement or change in your teaching? What do you think about homework? Reading to the tests? Level of the subject? The whole idea of this session is to make participants think and rethink their teaching, their students/pupils and look for the future not the past (if it is not a history lesson).


  • I know more details about Educational studies e.g. Pisa studies
  • I know few key elements of Finland's success in Pisa and its future steps for better educational future


App iOS Android Windows
Drawing app


What is good about your Education system -question. Answer by drawinin one word on the drawing app and present it to the others.10 minsGroup WorkNO Learning Object
Pisa-studies - get to know them. Presentation & activating talk with the participants30-45 minsSlidesEducation World - Pisa and other studies
ICT in Education -survey - how does Europe look like15-20 minsSlidesEducation World - Pisa and other studies
What do yo think NOW is the KEY element of Finland's success?5 minsGroup WorkNO Learning Object
What do yo think could be the KEY element of Finland's success5 minsGroup WorkNO Learning Object
Finish with2 minsSlidesNO Learning Object